Monday, June 1, 2009

Quick Update

I just realized it has been several days since I have taken any pics of Emily - I better get to that! But, here's a quick update. Today, they weaned Emily down from 1 liter oxygen in her cannula to 3/4 liter. I don't exactly know what the numbers represent, but I do know this means she is getting stronger! Her feedings are up to 32 cc's (just over an ounce) every 3 hours. And, we are ready to move her to a crib later tonight or tomorrow! I originally thought we would be starting to try breast or bottle feeding this week, but it probably won't be for another couple weeks.

We have been looking into transferring Emily to Genesis East in Davenport. The decision is bittersweet because we have gotten very comfortable with the staff here, and have a few nurses that we just love (HI Michelle and Alison!), not to mention we know some of the best doctors in the world practice here! It obviously will be more convenient for me and Troy to have Emily in Davenport, but we wanted to make sure that Emily's level of care would not change if we transfer. Troy and I toured the Genesis NICU last week and we were impressed with what we saw. The doctors at Genesis are part of the "extended" team from the University of Iowa Hospital, so their practices are similar and we know they have a high level of expertise. So...Emily has one more test we want to have done before we make the final decision. It's an eye exam, and it should be on Wednesday or Thursday of this week. If it comes back OK, we will most likely transfer by early next week. I'm anxious to be closer to home, but pretty sad to leave the people we have met here and who have provided such awesome care for Emily.

I think that's it for tonight. I'll try to snap some pictures so you can see how cute she is!!

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