Friday, May 29, 2009

A great day!

Emily weighed in at exactly 4 pounds tonight! I am amazed how big she is getting! It won't be long now and she will have doubled her birth weight.

I also have something AWESOME to show everyone. Last week I had a photographer come and take Emily's portraits. They turned out amazing. Here is the link to see the pictures - they will only be online for 2 weeks.
Click on "View & Order"
Select "E Vollbeer Newborn portraits"

I am so grateful to this photographer, Ben Shirk, for capturing this very special time in our lives. Not only is he very talented, he is also a very generous person - he did Emily's session free of charge! He offered his services as a member of ACPCG, which is a volunteer organization of child photographers that are willing to donate their time to critically ill or extremely premature newborns. If anyone is in need of photography in the Eastern Iowa region, I strongly recommend him!

1 comment:

Lu Ann said...

we were so thrilled to meet Emily today, she is so beautiful!! :)
John and Lu Ann