Monday, June 29, 2009

71 days old today!

Every morning during bedside rounds, they say "Emily is X days old today"...and today, they said 71 days! Wow, I can't believe Emily is 71 days old....and we have been doing this NICU thing for 71 loooooong days. We are getting so close to going home that it is driving me crazy. I've been frustrated and a little depressed the last couple days, just anxious for that wonderful day to be here. Troy and I have said all along we are so thankful for how healthy she is, and that she has had no major setbacks. So, we feel guilty wishing for anything more...but the days in the hospital are starting to wear on us, and we are so ready to get on with our life and figure out what it's REALLY like to have a baby!

Our families have been so helpful in making the last few weeks bearable. Grandpa and Grandma Hunt (Dad and Pam to me!) have sat with Emily several nights, and Grandma Vollbeer (Troy's mom) has come to help out many afternoons. Just having a few hours away to take care of errands, house work, or go out to eat makes the days pass easier. Grandma Corbino (my mom) came last week for my surgery, then came back for the weekend with Uncle Joey. Grandma came early for rounds so I could sleep in a little bit!

So, enough complaining...we do have things to celebrate! First, Emily officially hit 6 pounds over the weekend - she is 6 lb 4 oz today. Amazing! She also passed her hearing test in both ears - Wahoo! She is taking all of her feedings by bottle, and if she has another good day with all bottle feeding, the feeding tube should FINALLY come out tomorrow. Don't worry, I will take lots and lots of pictures. Her weight gain has been steady, so I am going to try breastfeeding again, starting with a couple times a day to make sure she still is gaining weight.

Emily really is just a normal little baby now, just waiting to start living her normal life :) She is doing fun things like hanging out in her Boppy...

...and sitting in her swing...

...and she even has a little bit of "chubby" to her now - check out those cheeks and arms!
The doctor said today that we are probably within 1 week of going home. Emily has another eye exam today, and also has to be weaned off the fortifier being added to her breast milk. We will use a fortifier at home, but we can't use what the hospital uses (not sure why).

I guess that's all I have for now. Hope you enjoyed the pictures, and I hope to be posting later this week about going home!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I remember sitting in Iowa City with you and hearing the docs talk about the baby across the hall being 56 days old thinking wow.... that is forever. I cannot believe.71 days has gone by.