Friday, June 26, 2009

Surgery went well!

I had my gallbladder surgery on Wednesday, and so far recovery has been going great. I didn't have nearly as much after-effect from the anesthesia this time. My incision areas are bruised, so if I don't take some pain medicine I feel like I've been kicked in the gut, but I am moving well and overall feeling much better than I expected!

Emily is taking 7 bottles a day, and one feeding still through her NG tube. She is having a little trouble pacing herself and coordinating the suck/swallow/breathe, so her oxygen saturation has been dropping somewhat while she takes a bottle. That's the only reason they haven't increased her to 100% bottle feeds. I'm hoping tomorrow or Sunday they will do that.

Her weight is increasing steadily - I think she will hit 6 pounds tonight! Today she is wearing her first "newborn" size onesie - she has outgrown her first preemie clothes! I was hoping we would be able to take her home Monday, but it's looking more like mid-to-late week....and that's just my guess, the doctors haven't even mentioned the word "home" yet. :(

I'll leave you with a picture of our sleeping beauty.


Unknown said...

Wow!!! She looks so much like my girls when she sleeps!!!

Unknown said...

But STILL no pics of aunt Jenny :(

Miracle Bebe said...

Hi fellow Preemie Mom, I am Jessica, mother to a 30 weeker, Rowan my Miracle Bebe. I came across your blog and wanted you to check out mine at
I also have a very large collection (and growing) of preemie scrapbooking on my website at
Stop by, we would love to have you in our community.
Of course, your story would be a wonderful addition to our Preemie Journeys Pages. Email me if you would like to share.
Hope all is well.