Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Big Day!

Whew, I really needed this - I have had a few days where I just felt down, ready to be done with this part of our journey and have Emily home. I had to keep reminding myself to count my blessings and be patient.

So, the news of today was a much needed pick-me-up! Today, they took Emily off her nasal cannula, which was giving her just a small amount of supplemental oxygen. Awesome!! So far she seems to be doing just fine without it. And its great to have one more tube/wire/thing off of her body! Of course I had to take the opportunity to snap some pictures!

Before Emily can come home, she needs to be taking all of her feedings by mouth, on her own (either breastfeeding or bottle). Right now, we are trying to breastfeed every other feeding, but she gets pretty wore out from it, and isn't always awake enough (or at all!) for some of the feedings to breastfeed.
So, now we just have to let Emily grow strong enough to handle more feedings.....and then we should be VERY close to going home!

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