Thursday, June 11, 2009

5 pounds!

Emily weighed in at 5 pounds today. Awesome! Pretty soon she will be outgrowing her preemie clothes. She is so amazing. As I type this, I'm sitting here watching her wide awake in her bassinet, wiggling around and smiling at me! She now has periods of 30 minutes or so a few times a day that she is wide awake like this. It is so cool to see her alert and just enjoying the world!

Nursing is going pretty well, we now get to do it 3 times a day, the remaining 5 feedings each day are still through her feeding tube. She doesn't wake up for 100% of her feedings yet, so I think it will be a little while before they increase her nursing schedule.

Here are a couple of pictures I just took during her afternoon playtime.

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