Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Father's Day started out good...

Troy and Emily on Troy's 1st Father's Day!!

Emily is doing great! She hasn't had any problems since coming off her oxygen, and we are slowly increasing her feedings by mouth. We did switch to bottle feeding her breast milk, mostly out of my frustration - she was having a hard time staying awake to nurse for a decent length of time, so I never felt like she was getting enough to eat. She was losing weight, I was stressed out and feeling like we were NEVER going to get to go home at that rate....so, bottles it is! She now gets 6 of the 8 feedings a day by bottle! It's fun to see Troy getting to do some feedings now :)

I brought in Emily's car seat (a good sign!) and she has been spending some time in it - she seems to like the different environment and change in position. It usually puts her right to sleep!

On Father's Day, we went out for brunch with our Dads and other family. I think Troy had a good first Father's Day....until I had to go and ruin it! I started having bad stomach pains in the evening, and ended up going to the ER about 10 p.m. because I was so miserable I couldn't stand it any longer. After blood work and an ultrasound, it was determined I have gall stones and an inflamed pancreas. They told me to call the surgeon on Monday morning for a consultation. I met with the surgeon today and he scheduled my surgery for TOMORROW at noon.

Apparently gall bladder issues are fairly common during and following pregnancy, but I had never heard of that before. I had been having these stomach pains over the last month, but Sunday's attack was worse and lasted longer than the others. I am glad its an "easy" problem to take care of...not looking forward to surgery at all, but SO looking forward to never having that pain again! Troy and I are starting to feel like we should just sell the house and move in to the hospital - will we ever be done with this place???

1 comment:

Ann said...

Happy Late Father's Day, Troy!! Cute pics :) She is so adorable.

Hope all is well with you, Jill, and that your recovery is going great!

See you soon!