Wednesday, May 27, 2009

32 weeks, 3 days

32 weeks and 3 days. That's Emily's "gestational age", how far along I would be in my pregnancy if she were still growing inside of me. Its hard to believe I should still have 8 more weeks of pregnancy to endure!

On Thursday, Emily had her blood transfusion and it went just fine. And the great news is it seems to have helped her spells! She has had several great days since the transfusion.

On Saturday, I had my baby shower and Troy hung out with Emily all day. He got to give her a bath!

Sunday night, my mom came up and visited and spent the night with me at Rossi. I'm so glad she was here, because Emily had quite a big day on Monday! First of all, she was moved to Bay 5 of the NICU, the area where the most stable NICU babies go. This is a step up for her, and it's great that the doctors consider her stable enough to be in Bay 5! Her room in bay 5 has a couch, TV, and a bathroom with a shower, so it's also a step up for me and Troy! A picture of her new room...

On Monday, Emily also got to wear clothes for the first time! Although, she didn't leave them on long because she got too warm. We are trying to get her isolette to a good temperature for her, but it's taking a little trial and error. She has been in and out of clothes for the past couple days.

Yesterday they took Emily off the high-flow nasal cannula and put her on regular cannula. This is a positive step :) They also moved her feeding tube from her mouth to her nose. That will make bottle and breast feeding easier for her.

Last night, we gave Emily her first big tub bath. Before that, she had only had sponge baths and one bath in a small tub. She really liked her bath, she was calm the entire time - even when I washed her hair!

Mom and Dad couldn't be happier with the progress our little girl is making, and we pray that she continues to be the Rock Star she has been so far!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Go Emily!!!!! Love you guys! Can't wait to be able to hold and snuggle her.