Saturday, May 16, 2009


We have had a good couple of days! The rain has put a stop to Troy's field work for now, so he has been able to be here all day for a couple of days. Yesterday, they took Emily off the SIMV for her breathing, skipped right over the CPAP, and went to a high flow nasal cannula. We are SO happy about this, because the SIMV and CPAP both require a tube that goes 4 cm up her nose, and she has lots of problems with the tube getting clogged and irritation in Emily's nose. She is loving having that nasty thing out of her nose! She slept so soundly almost all day Friday and today.

We have also been able to hold Emily more frequently - a couple of times a day, which we are just loving! Here is one of Troy holding Emily yesterday morning as she got her breakfast!

The nurses are so sweet, today we went home for the day and when we got back, the nurse (Michelle) had taken pictures of Emily and had a little picture collage hanging on the wall in her room. Also, her night nurse last night (Alison) put a little bow in her hair. Well actually, it's glued to her head! Here's a picture.

Emily continues to grow and do all the things she's supposed to be doing - eating well, sleeping lots, peeing and pooping regularly, and just being downright precious! Last night her weight was 2 lb 13.8 ounces - I have a feeling we will be having a 3 pound party this week!!

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