Monday, May 4, 2009

FAQ :)

Many people have asked questions such as how long we expect to be in the hospital, so I figured I could do a Frequently Asked Questions post!

Q: When do the doctors think you will be able to take Emily home?
A: The general rule of thumb they give parents is that premature babies will go home around their original due date. So if this is the case, we won't be taking Emily home until mid-July. Of course, if she does extremely well, it could be a couple weeks earlier. Or if there are complications, it could be later.

Q: Can you have Emily transferred to a local hospital (Genesis) when she is a little bigger?
A: This is a possibility, if we asked for a transfer. Probably not for another month or two, and at that point we just will have to see how we feel about the risks and benefits of transferring her. I have a feeling our level of trust and dependence on the doctors and nurses here at UIHC will be so high that moving her to a different facility will be a tough decision to make. We will just have to see how Emily is doing and how Troy and I are coping with our lives being in upheaval.

Q: Can we come visit you and Emily?
A: Now that we have a few weeks under our belt here, and I'm settling in to a bit more of a routine during the day, I have a better idea when visits would work out best. Early afternoon (12-2 p.m.) or early evening (5-7 p.m.) is probably best. Anyone is welcome to visit me and Troy, but for another couple weeks, we'd like to keep Emily's visitors to immediate and extended family. We are so anxious for everyone to meet our little girl, but I'm sure you can understand our needs to "protect" her from a rush of visitors for a little longer.

Q: Is there anything that we can do to help?
A: Right now, all we ask is that you continue to pray for Emily to grow and develop into a healthy, happy baby. We are so thankful for all the well wishes, cards, emails, and flowers we have received - oh, and I can't forget all the Facebook posts people have left for us :) You have no idea how much it means to know how many people are thinking of us and praying for us. And we are grateful that so far, all our prayers are being answered!

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