Sunday, August 23, 2009


Emily started smiling a week or so ago, and I finally caught one on camera!! I just looooove seeing her smile!

We had Emily's 4 month well baby check on Thursday, and she weighs 9 pounds 15 ounces now! Yay Emily! The doctor was very pleased with how well she is doing. Her 'corrected age' is 1 month, but the doctor said developmentally she is on track with a 2 month old. Size-wise, when he plots her on the growth chart for a 1-month-old, she is 75th percentile for head circumference and weight, and 50th percentile for height. She barely even makes the chart for a 4-month old! This will continue to improve as she gets older, and by her 2nd birthday she should be caught up with other kids her age, both in size and developmentally.

That's about all I have for today. We have another eye doctor appointment tomorrow, I'll post an update after that. Here are a few more pictures from this week.

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