Monday, August 17, 2009

See, Emily doesn't sleep ALLLLL the time...

...which is a good thing, because she happens to have the sweetest, prettiest eyes! See?

Emily will be 4 months old on Wednesday, August 19! Wahoo! She has her 4 month appointment with the pediatrician on Thursday, so we'll get an official weight...but we think she is well over 9 pounds now. She is still a great baby! She is sleeping 5 hour stretches at night pretty regularly, followed by a quick bottle, then another 3-4.5 hour stretch of sleep. I am so glad that she pretty much figured the "nighttime" thing out on her own. I'm sure it's not always going to be so great, but we'll take it as long as it lasts!

As far as development, she is probably right on track with her corrected age of 1 month (remember, that's her age if she would have been born on her actual due date - July 19). She has pretty good head control when in a sitting position. Of course it still bobs and tilts some of the time too. I bought her a Bumbo seat and tried it out this week - she's not strong enough for me to leave her in there long, but she does pretty well for a few minutes anyway.

By far our most exciting development in the past week is that Emily started SMILING! I have yet to capture this with my camera because we only get a few per day....but as they become more frequent I'm sure I'll catch one. After months of her just staring at us (except for those gas and reflex smiles), it is AWESOME to see that smile on her face. It almost makes me squeal whenever she does it!
We have another eye appointment next Monday. At her last appointment, her eyes were still not fully developed so they need to continue checking them until development is complete. The good news is the doctor is seeing some improvement in one eye...the other one is about the same.
Until next time - I do have to leave you with just one sleeping picture, because it is so precious!!

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