Saturday, August 8, 2009

Missing my baby bump!

I am loving being a mom, and I wouldn't trade my blessings for anything...but I have been working on my scrapbooks and I'm feeling a little bummed that I was "robbed" of the last 3 months of my pregnancy! There are lots of pros and cons here....I never had to get huge and uncomfortable and be 9 monts pregnant in July (PRO!) but at the same time, I am a *bit* of a shopaholic, and I had bought A LOT of super cute maternity clothes that I never got to wear (CON!). Of course I never thought it was a possibility that I wouldn't get to wear them, so I no longer had the tags or receipts for 95% of the clothes either. UGH!

Emily arrived when I was right in the middle of the "honeymoon" phase of pregnancy. I was feeling great, had a cute little bump, and was just starting to do fun stuff like register for baby stuff and pick out items for the nursery.


Here is my very last pregnancy pic, taken less than a week before Emily was born.

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