Tuesday, July 28, 2009

This is what an adorable 8 POUND baby looks like!

That's right! Yesterday we took Emily to the Child Specialty Clinic, and she weighed in at 8.1 pounds and measured 19.75 inches long! The nurse said they like to see the babies gain 20-30 grams per day once they go home, and Emily has averaged 32 grams per day since she has been home! Yay Emily!
The Child Specialty Clinic is an outreach of the same clinic in Iowa City, and Emily will be seen there until she is 5 years old. They will periodically check her development and growth to make sure she is on target for her corrected age (which means age from her original due date, not her actual birth date) and to identify any potential developmental issues early. This is just because she was a preemie, they don't have any specific concerns about her at this time.
At the appointment yesterday, they said Emily's size is GREAT, her movement is GREAT, and all around she is just doing GREAT! We can't ask for any better report than that!

We are still having to take Emily to the eye doctor for exams every 2 weeks to watch the progress of her ROP. One of her eyes is showing improvement (yay!), but the other continues to develop some Stage 2 ROP, and they have to make sure it doesn't develop any Stage 3 ROP, or surgery may be required. The exams are torture for Emily (and mom and dad!), so each time we have to go...its just not a good day. Ick. We go back on August 7th and we are praying hard for an A+++ report so we don't have to go back.

As far as everyday life...we really have been blessed with an easy baby. I hope I'm not jinxing myself by writing this! Emily's temperament is so pleasant, she really only fusses when she is hungry or gets a little bored and wants us to walk around with her. Her sleep schedule has been pretty good, she wakes up every 2.5-3 hours to eat, but at least at night she *usually* goes right back to sleep.

Troy and I are settling into somewhat of a routine now, and getting more comfortable and confident in our abilities to take care of Emily...while still taking care of other everyday things like dishes, laundry, mowing the grass, etc. Some days we do better than others of course :-)

Bella is starting to realize that Emily is here for good, and I think she is a little depressed. She is not happy about not being the center of mommy's attention anymore! For a while, she tried to be front and center wherever I was (aka wherever Emily was!), but she's slowly giving up. Poor Bella!

We have had lots of visitors in the last few weeks. Grandma and Grandpa H returned from their motorcycle trip and came to visit us...they brought ice cream, which you know earned them extra points in my book!

Grandma V has been visiting a lot so I can go run errands or to doctors appointments, etc. Emily also got to meet her cousins Dylan and Addison for the first time, although they have more fun playing with Bella than with Emily...which Bella totally appreciates!!

Grandma C came for the weekend a week ago, and gave me and Troy the wonderful gift of a FULL nights sleep. Ahhhh, it was great!
Emily had her 3 month birthday on July 19. We can't believe how far she has come! The first picture below was taken when Emily was 3 days old...the second picture, 3 months! Praise the Lord for our little miracle!

I guess that's about it for now...for my next post, I'll try to get more AWAKE pictures. I swear she doesn't sleep ALL the time!

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