Friday, July 3, 2009

I'm the Big Sister!

My mom came back to town this weekend to help us settle in to our "new" life. Which means Bella is back for good now! Bella has been such a trooper through this whole thing, being carted back and forth to my mom's house and probably not knowing what the HECK was going on, or where she would be living from day to day. She has adapted so well! Much thanks to my mom for taking Bella in, she already has 2 dogs of her own so she certainly has her hands full when Bella is there.

Bella is really taking to her new role as Big Sister! She is curious about this new, squeaky, smelly being who is getting lots of our attention. But she has not gotten too excited or tried to get too close to Emily. We are supervising her very closely to make sure things continue to go this well, but I have a feeling she is going to be very protective of her little sister!

Bella checking Emily out...I was waiting to see what her next move would be!

Expressing her opinion of her new sister - yes, she is licking her butt :-)

Coexisting nicely with her new sister...

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