Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Say What?!

Emily, like every toddler, has her own language. Its funny how we adapt and even start to pronounce words like she does. Some of my favorites:

Mangles = Pringles
Opee-ten = Open it
Butt-on = Diaper (where did this come from?)
Dorothy = fish (as in, Elmo's fish Dorothy)
Manga = Grandma
Sissa = Alyssa (her cousin)
I Huuuunnngy = I'm hungry
Suckits = Sunglasses

It seems like every day she is saying a new word or phrase. The other day we were on a walk/run, and she yelled out "I WANT TO WALLLLLKKK!" which of course meant she wanted to get out of her stroller and wander around aimlessly.

She knows most of the alphabet, I think we have Sesame Street to thank for that. Tonight I wrote her name on her magna-doodle, and asked her what it said and she goes "Emmy!" I was super impressed until I spelled out MOM next and asked her what it said, she said "Emmy!"

I'm just loving watching her learn and grow!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I'm baaaaaack :)

I decided today that Emily is doing so many cute and funny things that I want to remember forever! Lord knows I'm not gonna get them all written in her baby book - It's much easier for me to blog about it! Not that she hasn't been cute for the last year or so, but I sort of lost my blog motivation for a while.

So, what I want to document today is the latest oh-so-fun toddler-ism we are experiencing. It sounds a lot like THIS (click the link).

It can be...frustrating at times! But frustratioin aside, "Mom" is still my favorite word in the whole English language!!