Friday, September 18, 2009

Emily at 5 months (2 months corrected)

Wow, 5 months. I know people say that time flies, but the past 5 months has actually felt like...a long time! Emily has come so far since April 19. I think the fact that I have been able to spend every single day with her since her birth has really allowed me to cherish each day, each moment we have had together. I went back to work this week - I'll be working part time through Christmas, and then back to full time in January. I feel lucky that my employer worked out a part-time arrangement with me!

We are also lucky to have found two wonderful ladies to come to our house and watch Emily while we are at work. Both ladies are friends of Troy's extended family. They are both retired, and they plan to trade off days with Emily so they can still enjoy retirement but also be able to take care of our 'lil Bug :) They are also both Grandmas, and I can already see that Emily is going to be like an adopted Granddaughter to them. Seeing their excitement to snuggle and cherish Emily while they care for her makes it easier for us to leave her each day - she is in great and loving hands!

So what's Emily up to these days? Well, here's what she has started doing in the last few weeks:
- Putting her hands in her mouth, sucking and licking them!
- Drooling and making bubbles a little
- She has 'discovered' her toys hanging from her gym and bouncy seat, and stares at them, smiles at them, and talks to them! I'm loving this!
- Attempts to 'bat' at the toys hanging from her gym - and actually hits them occasionally!
- Her head control is great, has been for a while. She still bobs it quite a bit, but she's getting there.
- Sleeping 5, 6, and occasionally 7 (YAAAAY!) hour stretches at night before waking up for a feeding
- Lots of "ooowww"s and "ooohhh"s and "eeehhhh"s. We even have conversations back and forth making these noises - she STARES at our mouths and it looks like she tries to imitate what we are doing with our mouths
- Occasionally pushes up on her arms for a few seconds when on her tummy
- Smiles, smiles, smiles when we talk to her!

Here are a few pictures from Emily's baptism last weekend.
Mom and Dad with Emily
Aunt Jenny and Uncle Joey are Emily's Godparents!
Here are a few recent videos - "talking" to her toys, and doing her best to "bat" at her toys!

Until next time!

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