Monday, October 26, 2009

6 months old!

Emily turned 6 months old on October 19!! We had her 6 month check-up on Monday, and here are her stats:

Weight - 13 pounds 9 ounces - She finally landed on the growth chart for a "regular" 6 month old baby - compared to other 6 month old babies, she's in the 10th percentile! This is so cool!

Length - 23 1/4 inches - Not quite on the chart yet, but the doctor says length is usually the last measurement for preemies to catch up on.

Head circumference - 40 1/4 cm - About 5th percentile on the 6 month old chart!!

The doctor was extremely pleased with how great Emily is doing. She totally showed off for him, kicking like crazy on the exam table, and smiling and laughing during the whole appointment...well, until the nurse gave her FOUR shots. Poor little Emily! We gave her lots of extra hugs and kisses to make up for it :)

The doctor says Emily is developmentally on track with a 4-month old, so she is slowly closing the gap between her actual age and her corrected age.

So, what is Emily up to these days? I'll tell you!
  • Rolling over - although she seems to have temporarily forgotten how and is completely protesting tummy time!
  • Smiling - at everyone - and everything - all the time!
  • Giggling when Mommy and Daddy act silly
  • Getting ticklish on her ribs, neck, and under her arms...which makes getting her dressed and undressed really entertaining!!
  • Making spit bubbles and starting to drool
  • Grasping her toys tightly, and starting to reach for them on her own...and moving them straight to her mouth!
  • Drinking a 50/50 mix of breast milk and formula...just because she decided she didn't want straight breast milk anymore. Lil stinker!!
  • Sleeping AWESOME at night - the last 3 nights she has slept 9 hours straight! Of course I probably just jinxed this and we will be up every 3 hours tonight. Ugh.

Emily is still staying at our house with Barb and Irene 3 days a week, and I have Thursdays and Fridays off. I can tell Emily is well cared for when Troy and I are at work, and I think Barb and Irene are enjoying their days with Emily as well.

Since it's been such a WET and COLD fall, Troy has been around at night and on weekends more than we expected. While the harvest situation makes him stressed out and a little grumpy, I am trying to see the silver lining and be grateful he is home with us! We definitely have had a lot more time together than we planned for this fall.

I need to get some recent pictures of Emily and her sister Bella. Bella is a little TOO interested in Emily's constantly moving feet and arms, and Emily gets a firm grip on Bella's fur from time to this could get interesting in the next couple months :) I have no doubt that once they work out the kinks, they will be good buddies!

Until next time...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Rockin' and ROLLING!!

I am so excited - I managed to capture pictures of the VERY FIRST time Emily rolled over by herself! I had the camera out to take some pictures in her Halloween onesie...and she decided to perform during her tummy time!
She tried this method for a while, and her legs had the right idea...but she couldn't get enough momentum to roll over...

So, I gently reminded her that if she put her hands in front, it might help. And here is what happened...

Success!! She hasn't quite figured out how awesome of a skill this is, or why I was cheering and clapping for her...but she did seem anxious to repeat her performance, and she did!
I took video of a failed attempt too, its worth sharing because she is just trying so hard!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Almost 6 months old!

I'm way overdue for an update, Emily will be 6 months old in one week - I can't believe it! I will definitely post some 6 month pictures and a status report after her 6 month doctor's visit next is a video from tonight to hold you over until then :)